Arm Lift in Nashville

Office Located in Brentwood, TN


An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure intended to reshape the underside of the arm, ridding of excess skin. It targets the upper portion of the underarm to the elbow. At Cool Springs Plastic Surgery, we can help restore the appearance of your arms by providing you with amazing results from your arm lift in Nashville.

Age, genetics, and fluctuations in weight can cause the upper arms to sag or droop over time. This condition is unable to be corrected through diet and exercise alone. The only way to address these issues is by surgically removing excess tissue and tightening the arm skin.



  • Reduce excess sagging of the skin that droops downward.
  • Tighten and smooth underlying tissue.
  • Improve arm shape and definition.
  • Reduce fat pockets in the upper portion of the arm.

Is Arm Lift for You?

The best candidates for an arm lift are men or women who are in relatively good shape but are bothered by loose skin and fat deposits that will not respond to diet or exercise. Loss of skin elasticity in older patients, which frequently occurs with slight obesity, may also be improved.
During your arm lift consultation in Nashville, our team will examine the condition of your arms, ask you what your desired results are, and go over your relevant medical history to determine if you are a good candidate for an arm lift.

Arm Lift Before & Afters

Arm Lift Patient Before Photo
Arm Lift Patient After Photo

Results May Vary

View Arm Lift Gallery

Real Patient Testimonials

I had consulted with several doctors – and after consulting with Dr. Moore – I felt comfortable with them as a team. Everyone was helpful, encouraging, and supportive. Those attitudes are so important to your recovery.

– JV

Read More Testimonials

Your Consultation

At the time of your consultation, you will meet with your chosen board-certified plastic surgeon who will talk with you about your goals and the best way to achieve your desired outcomes. Our goal is to make sure every one of your questions is answered and you feel comfortable with your knowledge of the procedure.

In your initial consultation, one of our surgeons will evaluate your health, discuss your medical history, determine the extent of loose skin in your arm region and carefully assess your skin tone. They will then review your goals and make recommendations based on his evaluation.

The techniques used in the arm lift procedure will be described in detail, and informational materials will be provided. Be sure to tell the doctor if you smoke or are taking any medications, vitamins, or other drugs.

You will have a Patient Care Coordinator who will work closely with you throughout your entire time in our practice, serving as your resource for any questions or concerns you have along the way.

After your time talking with the surgeon, your Patient Coordinator will provide you with a detailed, written estimate of surgical fees for your procedure at the time of your initial consultation at Cool Springs Plastic Surgery in Nashville, Tennessee. She will assist you in selecting a date for your surgery, convenient for your schedule.


The incisions used to perform the procedure will be sutured shut and the arms will be bandaged. A compression garment will need to be worn around the upper arms to help minimize swelling. Bruising, swelling, and discomfort are to be expected but will subside over the course of your recovery.

Post-surgical options to help you through your recovery will be provided following your arm lift in Nashville.

Brachioplasty Costs

Your Patient Coordinator will provide you with a detailed, written estimate of fees for your arm lift in Nashville when you have your initial consultation at Cool Springs Plastic Surgery. Your “Estimate of Surgical Fees” will include:

  • Surgeon’s fee
  • Operating room
  • Anesthesiologist’s fee

Your Patient Care Coordinator will also inform you about all payment options available in our office. Information regarding “Payment Options” are detailed under the “About” tab at the top of our web page.

Schedule a Consultation

If you would like to know more about the procedure to see if you are a good candidate, please contact Cool Springs Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation for your arm lift in Nashville.