Liposuction in Nashville

Office Located in Brentwood, TN


Liposuction in Nashville benefits women and men who have isolated deposits of fat, causing certain areas to appear disproportionate.

These localized areas may be an inherited trait and typically do not respond to dieting or exercise. In most cases, lipo is a great minimally invasive way to eliminate these fat deposits.

Also called liposculpture, this form of surgical fat removal addresses fat at a superficial level beneath the skin through well-hidden incisions. One of our board-certified surgeons will show you where these incisions would be made during your initial consultation.

Liposuction removes excess fat but cannot significantly improve sagging skin, which is why a consultation with one of our board-certified surgeons is the best way to determine if this is the right procedure for you. Results will last as long as a patient maintains a stable weight.

Our board-certified surgeons have performed this procedure hundreds of times, providing beautiful outcomes for our patients over the last 20 years.

Is Liposuction for You?

The best candidates for liposuction are within their normal weight with firm, elastic skin who have pockets of excess fat in certain areas. Areas commonly targeted for fat removal include the thighs, abdomen, buttocks, back, hips, chin, arms, neck, and male chest (for reduction of gynecomastia).

You should be physically healthy, psychologically stable and realistic in your expectations. To help develop realistic expectations, candidates can look over liposuction before and after photos.

Your age is not a major consideration. However, older patients may have diminished skin elasticity and may not achieve the same results as a younger patient with tighter skin. Other factors that can affect your result include smoking and your skin’s ability to heal following surgery.

Liposuction carries greater risk for individuals with medical problems such as diabetes, significant heart or lung disease, poor blood circulation or those who have recently had surgery near the area to be contoured.

Liposuction Before & Afters

Liposuction Patient Before Photo
Liposuction Patient Before Photo

Results May Vary


Real Patient Testimonials

Dr Moore is a great ps his whole staff is so nice and helpful they make you feel very comfortable and like u can ask anything and at anytime. I was so satisfied with my outcome and treatment from everyone there. I wasnt nervous I trusted his 20 yrs experience and my friend was very satisfied with him. I couldn’t be happier!

– Anonymous

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Your Consultation

At the time of your consultation, you will meet with your chosen board-certified surgeon, who will talk with you about your goals and the best way to achieve your desired outcomes. They will also discuss your medical history and your current medical status. Our goal is to make sure every one of your questions is answered and you feel comfortable with your knowledge of the procedure.

In your initial consultation, your surgeon will evaluate your health, determine where your fat deposits lie and assess the condition of your skin. They will then explain the body-contouring methods that may be most appropriate for you. It’s important that you describe your expectations upfront so that they can help you determine the best way to meet your goals.

We have three Patient Care Coordinators who work closely with you through your entire time in our practice, serving as your resource for any questions or concerns you have along the way. After your time talking to the surgeon, your Patient Coordinator will provide you with a detailed written estimate of surgical fees for your procedure when you have your initial consultation at Cool Springs Plastic Surgery in Nashville, Tennessee.

She will assist you in selecting a date for your surgery, convenient for your schedule. Your Patient Care Coordinator will also inform you about all payment options available in our office. Information regarding “Payment Options” are detailed under the “About” tab at the top of our web page.

Surgery: What to Expect


Do not eat or drink after midnight on the evening before surgery (unless directed to take certain medications by your Patient Coordinator). You may shower the morning of your procedure, but do not apply deodorant, creams, lotions, powders or oil to your skin. Please do not wear jewelry or makeup, and do not bring valuables with you to surgery.

In most cases, surgery will be performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. The surgery will typically last one to two hours but can be longer. An adult should escort you on the day of surgery and remain with you at home for the first 24 hours.

Liposuction Post-Operative

Immediately after surgery you will be fitted with a garment designed to compress the areas of liposuction. Do not remove this garment until directed by the doctor. Furthermore, since it is designed to compress the skin, you should not attempt to loosen the garment.

Afterward, you may sleep and rest in any comfortable position. Rest quietly for 24 hours following surgery; when you get up, do so slowly, as you may feel lightheaded. You will experience some discomfort, but it should be relieved with pain medication. It is also common to experience a moderate amount of bloody drainage. However, do not remove the garment until instructed by the doctor. You are encouraged to take short walks in your home.

You should expect some discoloration and swelling in the surgery area. You might find that, due to swelling, the sites appear larger than before. Don’t panic! Shrinkage and skin tightening begins in about four weeks, continuing slowly over six months. Other side effects may include temporary bruising, swelling, numbness, soreness and burning sensations.

Liposuction Post-Op Info


Risks are low but include: poor skin contouring, transient skin numbness and localized collection of blood. If later revision is needed, we advise waiting at least six months. Other risks may include asymmetry, rippling or bagginess of skin, pigmentation changes, skin injury, fluid retention, skin infection and excessive fluid loss that may lead to shock.

Lipo is one of the more popular procedures because you can see immediate results, and recovery time is relatively quick. Most patients are back to work within one to two weeks, and experience recovery from swelling and bruising in as little as one month with continuing improvement for up to six months. But the best part is, with proper diet and exercise, the results from this surgery are permanent.

Liposuction Costs

Liposuction price varies based on many factors. Your Patient Coordinator will provide you with a detailed written estimate of fees for your procedure when you have your initial consultation at Cool Springs Plastic Surgery. Your “Estimate of Surgical Fees” will include: surgeon’s fee, operating room and the anesthesiologist’s fee.

Contact Us for an Appointment

To set up your appointment for a consultation regarding liposuction in Nashville and its many benefits, contact us today. We will be happy to help you achieve the aesthetic results you deserve.