
FAQ: Breast Augmentation Basics

Breast Augmentation continues to be one of the most popular surgical procedures we offer at Cool Springs Plastic Surgery! Most of you know at least one person who has undergone this surgery and thus, the benefits of improving your self-confidence by adding more curvature to your silhouette.  With hundreds of people inquiring about Breast Augmentation each month, we get asked a lot of really good questions and wanted to share with you some of the most common ones and the answers to them.  So, here goes:  

How do I know if I am a candidate? 

Breast augmentation is a great option for healthy patients who desire fuller, larger breasts. While there are not specific requirements needed to undergo a breast augmentation, certain patients with extensive pre-existing conditions might not be good candidates.  With safety being our number one priority, we can’t stress enough that you meet with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon like one of us at our practice so that we can assess your overall health during your consultation.   

Why do most people consider breast augmentation? 

  • They have naturally small breasts. 
  • They have noticed that their breasts have changed over time due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight gain. 
  • They want their breast to appear more symmetrical in size and shape. 
  • They feel that larger breasts would improve their appearance and create a more balanced look. 

If you are considering breast augmentation, Dr. Sarosiek and Dr. Moore can help you evaluate your options, determine what size is best for you, and help you decide whether you should also include a breast lift. 

Will I need to get the procedure done periodically? 

It is very understandable that you would not want to undergo a surgical procedure every ten years or so. Fortunately, it is not always necessary to have multiple surgeries to maintain your result over the course of your life. In many cases, breast implants remain structurally intact and natural-looking for decades. However, changes to your body that result from pregnancy, weight gain or loss, and more, can alter the appearance of your result. Our surgeons will work with you on tips to maintain your results! 

Is breastfeeding possible with implants?

The current techniques employed by skilled plastic surgeons significantly reduce the risk that milk ducts or glands will be altered by breast augmentation but there is always a chance that some women might not be able to breastfeed after surgery.  Breast augmentation has less of an impact on breastfeeding when compared to breast lifts so it’s important to discuss this with Dr. Moore or Dr. Sarosiek prior to surgery.    

Will my breasts have an unnatural appearance? 

At Cool Springs Plastic Surgery, the goal is to help patients achieve a natural, beautiful shape and size that fits their body, lifestyle, and physique. Patients have different perspectives and desires and it’s always helpful to go through a surgeon’s before and after gallery to determine if the types of augmentations that your surgeon performs meet your goals and desires.   

Which implant is right for me? 

The two most common types of breast implants are silicone/gel implants and saline implants. In most cases, silicone/gel implants come pre-filled and the size cannot be changed. Saline implants allow the volume to be adjusted during the procedure. Each kind of implant will provide a slightly different feel and appearance. We have samples of these implants available for you to touch and feel! 

Both types of implants have distinct benefits, so the best way to determine which is best is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Moore or Dr. Sarosiek! You are not alone in this decision and they will be by your side to advise and help you weigh your options.  

What can you do to prepare for the surgery? 

If you have decided on getting a breast augmentation, you will meet with one of our surgeons to evaluate your health, take measurements, and make decisions concerning the size and type of implant that is best for you. 

Once the surgery has been scheduled, you will be given specific instructions to do the following things to prepare: 

  • Do not smoke in the weeks leading up to the surgery. 
  • Avoid taking aspirin and other medications that your doctor asks you to avoid for a specific period of time. 
  • Do not eat or drink after midnight on the evening before the surgery. 
  • Shower on the day of the surgery, but do not apply deodorant or lotion to your skin. 
  • Make arrangements for someone to drive you home on the day of the surgery and schedule some time away from work to recover. 

To learn more about getting a breast augmentation and all that it entails, schedule a consultation with us! Consultations can be scheduled over the phone at 615-771-7718. We look forward to seeing you!