
The Contoured Body

Though you may not particularly enjoy the process of aging, there are still many methods to achieving and maintaining your body’s beautiful curves and contour as your birthday keeps coming (seemingly quicker and quicker with each passing year).

As we review our goals for the new year, many of which will include eating healthier, getting back in shape, losing weight, etc., we have mapped out our most popular surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures specifically for body contouring to help you get back to the YOU you love!

If you are in search of a zero downtime, body-contouring option, CoolSculpting may just be the right fit! This procedure is the only FDA-approved, non-surgical fat-reduction option. Requiring no downtime and having the ability to freeze two areas at the same time with “dualsculpting,” we are able to freeze those stubborn areas of fat, resistant to exercise and diet, in as little as 60 minutes (time is dependent on area(s) of the body being treated), allowing you to go right back to work and continue your day as originally planned!

Liposuction is the removal of isolated deposits of fat at a superficial level beneath the skin through tiny, well-hidden incisions (think the size of a pencil eraser). In many cases, these localized areas of fat are an inherited trait, making them unresponsive to diet or exercise and causing certain areas of the body to appear disproportionate.

As one of the most common body contouring options in America, Liposuction can be a great, minimally invasive way to eliminate these areas of fat.

Tummy Tuck is another proven option for better contour of the body. Also labeled as an abdominoplasty, this procedure removes loose, excess skin and fat in the abdomen area. During this procedure, the muscles of the abdominal wall are actually tightened, providing even flatter, less “flabby” results to the stomach.

Many patients who undergo this procedure are mothers interested in regaining the confidence they had in their body pre-pregnancy, those with naturally weak abdomen muscles or someone who experienced massive weight loss, such as after weight loss surgery.

CSPS promises the best possible care to our patients – new and current. We have three Plastic Surgeons with countless years of experience and extensive education who take the time to listen to your concerns and goals in order to work together in configuring the perfect plan for you.

On the non-surgical side, our Nurse Practitioner, Kim, more than qualified as our CoolSculpting expert, offers complimentary consultations to assess whether this procedure would be beneficial for you or not. Honesty truly is our favorite policy here at Cool Springs Plastic Surgery. If we do not foresee a certain procedure providing the results you are striving for, we will advise as such and begin exploring other possible options with you.

To schedule your personalized consultation with either Kim or one of our Plastic Surgeons, call (615) 771-7718, and we would be happy to assist you!