
There are valuable benefits that are gained by eating well and exercising daily. However, as many of our patients realize, these habits of a healthy lifestyle are no guarantee that the midsection will get or stay tight and toned. There are other factors at play here besides what you eat and how much you work […]

During the spring months, trends in plastic surgery tend to shift from the face down to the body. If you’re like millions of other men and women, you are preparing for summer by eating more healthy foods and drinking more water. Exercise may also take a front-seat as the weather warms up. However good these […]

Tummy Tuck – Is It Going to Help Me?

Published on December 15, 2014

If you’ve been pregnant a couple times or have lost a good deal of weight, odds are your abdomen has a pooch that just won’t respond to exercise. Fat pockets in the abdomen are very difficult to fully eliminate. And the muscles you have stretched can’t always return to their pre-pregnancy or pre-overweight position. The […]